Brief Overview
eTasks are used to communicate with other staff members in the practice, or to send reminders to yourself of tasks that require actioning. eTasks can be used to send patient-related tasks which will be recorded in the patient's clinical and demographic record, or for non-patient related jobs. eTasks are separate to Internal Messages, which cannot be linked to a patient record.
This article will cover how to create eTasks from the demographic window and by using the menu bar. Doctor and Registrar users may find instructions for creating eTasks in consults within this article. If you are using the Doctor App, you can instead follow this link for iOS users, or this link for Android users.
Short Version
- Send and view all your eTasks from the eTask List shortcut in the top menu bar in Clinic to Cloud.
- Link a patient in an eTask to save the information into the patient's clinical and demographic record.
- Leave the patient field blank to send a non-patient related message to another staff member.
- Address the eTask using the To and CC fields, or leave these blank to set a reminder for yourself.
- Select a due date in a task to determine when the task should be completed.
- Use the Action field to choose the relevant action to be taken in relation to the task.
There are several areas within Clinic to Cloud that an eTask may be viewed or actioned from.
Top Menu Bar
The menu bar is visible from all areas within Clinic to Cloud, and is the most common place to action and send eTasks from. When eTasks are viewed via this method, you will see all of your open eTasks.
Viewing Outstanding eTasks
1. Click on the eTask List icon in the menu bar. If there are any open eTasks awaiting completion, a number will be shown on the icon.
Note: If any of the eTasks received are marked as urgent, the number icon will be displayed in orange.
2. The My eTasks tab will open by default, and display all outstanding tasks that are yet to be completed.
- An outstanding eTask is a task that is yet to be marked as complete, however using the My Due eTasks filter will display only eTasks that are due today, overdue, or urgent. This allows you to effectively track the tasks that you should complete first.
- eTasks highlighted in red are tasks that have been marked as urgent by the creator, such as the task from Dr Tsutsuji above.
- The Sent tab will allow you to see eTasks that you have sent to other staff to complete, including replies that you may have sent to an eTask you have received.
- The Completed tab will display all eTasks that have been marked as complete, and therefore require no further action.
Sending an eTask
1. Click the Add eTask button to create a new eTask.
2. Fill in the eTask information:
- Select the user you'd like to send the eTask to from the To drop-down field. You may leave this blank to send an eTask to yourself.
- If you would like to send a copy to any other users, select them from the CC drop-down field.
- If the eTask is in relation to a patient and you would like to save this as a permanent part of their demographic and clinical file, search for and select the patient from the Patient menu.
- Type a subject into the Subject field. This is what will be displayed within the eTask List window before it has been opened to view the details.
- The eTask field should be used to describe exactly what needs to be completed. This information will be viewed by the user when they open the eTask.
- The Due field is used to dictate when this task should be completed by.
- Ticking the Urgent box will allow you to draw attention to the task by changing the colour of the eTask counter in the menu bar, and of the eTask in the eTask List window.
- The Action drop-down menu allows you to choose what you would like the recipient to do with this task (ie make a phone call, email, letter etc). Additional options can be added to the Actions menu by opening Settings > Define your C2C > eTask Actions.
- If required, you may attach a file using the Paperclip icon.
3. Click Create to send the eTask to the chosen recipients.
4. Your eTask will then appear in the Sent tab of your eTask List window.
Actioning an eTask
1. Click the Reply icon from the My eTasks tab of the eTask List window to review the eTask details.
Note: If required, you can click on the patient's name in the Patient column to open their demographic record from the eTasks window or from within the Reply window.
2. You can see all of the actions taken against an eTask in the Task History section.
3. You may then either choose to send a reply back to the creator without completing the eTask, or you may create a note and then complete the eTask.
A) If you want to reply back to the creator and leave the eTask incomplete, type your response into the Reply field, select a due date and action if necessary, then click Send.
B) If you have completed the required actions for the eTask, then you can make a note in the Reply field so that this will be saved as a part of the audit trail for the eTask in the patient's demographic and clinical record. You may then click Save & Complete.
4. You may also complete an eTask by ticking the Complete box, but this will not give you the opportunity to write a note against the eTask before marking it as complete.
Note: Any user who was listed as a recipient or CC on the eTask may mark it as complete. An eTask may not be completed by a user who was neither the recipient or a CC.
Demographic Window
When within the Demographic window, you can access any existing eTasks or create new eTasks from the eTask tab. When eTasks are viewed via this method, you will only see tasks related to the patient whose record you have opened.
Viewing Patient Tasks
1. Open the Patient Demographic window from the Scheduler, or by searching for them in the Patients List.
A) If the patient has an appointment in the Scheduler and you are logged in as a Reception or Practice Admin user, double click on the appointment to open their demographic window.
B) If the patient has an appointment in the Scheduler and you are logged in as a doctor user, highlight the appointment and use the Demographic icon to open their demographic window.
C) If the patient does not have an appointment in the Scheduler, open the Patients List by clicking on the Patients menu. Then search for, and open the patient's record by selecting their name from the list.
2. Click on the eTask tab.
3. When on the All tab, all eTasks that have been created for the patient will be displayed. You may use the Open tab to view only the eTasks that have not yet been finalised, or the Completed tab to view only the eTasks that have been completed.
Adding an eTask
1. Click the Add eTask button to create a new task in relation to this patient.
2. Fill in the eTask information:
- Select the user you'd like to send the eTask to from the To drop-down field. You may leave this blank to send an eTask to yourself.
- If you would like to send a copy to any other users, select them from the CC drop-down field.
- The patient's name will be prefilled when adding via the patient's demographic window.
- Type a subject into the Subject field. This is what will be displayed within the eTask List window before it has been opened to view the details.
- The eTask field should be used to describe exactly what needs to be completed. This information will be viewed by the user when they open the eTask.
- The Due field is used to dictate when this task should be completed by.
- Ticking the Urgent box will allow you to draw attention to the task by changing the colour of the eTask counter in the menu bar, and of the eTask in the eTask List window.
- The Action drop-down menu allows you to choose what you would like the recipient to do with this task (ie make a phone call, email, letter etc). Additional options can be added to the Actions menu by opening Settings > Define your C2C > eTask Actions.
- If required, you may attach a file using the Paperclip icon.
3. Click on Create to send the eTask to the chosen recipients.
4. The eTask will then be added to the patient's demographic and clinical record, and visible in the eTask tab of the demographic window, under the All and Open filters.
Actioning an eTask
1. From the eTasks tab of the demographic window, highlight an eTask to view the details.
2. Click the Edit Pencil icon to open the eTask.
3. You can see all of the actions taken against an eTask in the Task History section.
4. You may then either choose to send a reply back to the creator without completing the eTask, or you may create a note and then complete the eTask.
A) If you want to reply back to the creator and leave the eTask incomplete, type your response into the Reply field, select a due date and action if necessary, then click Send.
B) If you have completed the required actions for the eTask, then you can make a note in the Reply field so that this will be saved as a part of the audit trail for the eTask in the patient's demographic and clinical record. You may then click Save & Complete.
5. You may also complete an eTask by ticking the Completed box beside an eTask in the demographic window, however this does not give you the opportunity to record any notes before finalising the eTask.
Note: Any user who was listed as a recipient or CC on the eTask may mark it as complete. An eTask may not be completed by a user who was neither the recipient or a CC.