Brief Overview
Patient referrals are usually added via the patient Demographic Window or via the Scanned Documents process. This article describes how to add a patient's referral via their Demographic Window. Instructions on attaching a scanned referral can be found within this article.
Short Version
- Open the patient's Demographic Window.
- Select the Referral tab.
- Click Add Referral and complete the details.
- Select Create.
- Click Save.
1. Open the Patients List.
2. Search for and select the patient.
3. Open the Referral tab.
4. Click Add Referral to add a new referral, or click the Edit icon beside a referral to edit an existing referral.
5. Complete the referral details:
A) Select an existing Referrer in your database from the Referring Doctor field, or add a new record using the Plus + icon. More information on adding a Contact can be found here.
B) Select the addressee of the referral from the Receiving Doctor field.
C) Choose the length of the referral from the Duration field.
D) The Date of Referral should be set to the date from the referral letter.
E) The Start Date should be set to the date of the first appointment for the patient, using this referral. If left blank Clinic to Cloud will calculate this for you based on the next appointment booked for the patient.
6. Click Create to finish adding the referral.
7. You can click the paperclip icon beside a referral record to attach a file from your computer (such as the letter, if it had been emailed to you).
8. You may use the trashcan icon to delete a referral record. This can only be done until an invoice is created using the attached referral.
9. Click Save to finish adding the referral.