Brief Overview
The Daily Banking Report is an effective means of reconciling payments between what has been entered into Clinic to Cloud, and the money that has been taken by the practice.
This is done by tallying the money held within the practice and comparing this with the figures in Clinic to Cloud to ensure that all accounting has been completed.
- Running the Daily Banking Report
- Troubleshooting Banking Discrepancies
- Editing a Daily Banking Report
- Searching Complete Reports
Short Version
- Open Reports > Daily Banking.
- Click Create.
- Choose the report period, providers and locations to include.
- Click Show.
- Click Reconcile All or tick the Reconcile boxes individually.
- Click Summary.
- Enter the total of income held within the practice against the relevant payment method(s).
- Investigate any discrepancies in payment amounts and adjust the report.
- Click Reconcile.
Running the Daily Banking Report
1. In the Scheduler, click on Reports >Daily Banking.
2. Click Create.
3. Use the filters to find the payments you wish to settle:
A) Choose the payment Period. This will default to the current day, and is based on the Service Date of the invoices.
B) If you would like to run the report for a certain provider, select them from the Doctor drop-down menu or type their name. If you would like to include payments for all providers, leave this field blank.
C) You can use the Location field to choose specific locational invoices to settle, or leave this blank to include all payments regardless of Location.
D) Select specific Payment Types to settle, or leave this blank to include all payments however they were paid.
E) Tick the boxes to indicate the payments to include:
- Tick the Include Bulk Bill, DVA and 90 Day Gap box to include electronic payments made by Medicare and DVA.
- Tick the Include ECLIPSE box to include any electronic payments made by health funds through ECLIPSE
- Tick the Include Deposit Transactions field to include any pre-payments that have been taken through the Deposits function.
4. Click Save as Favourite if you want to run a report matching this criteria again in future. This will save the report as a template (excluding the dates), for loading quickly next time.
A) Provide a descriptive name for your favourite.
B) Click Save.
C) When you next run the report, load your template from the Favourite menu.
5. Click Show to display payments matching your criteria.
6. Tick the invoices you wish to settle, or click Reconcile All to tick all invoices.
7. Click Summary to calculate the totals entered into Clinic to Cloud.
8. The figures calculated by Clinic to Cloud for each Payment Type will be shown in the Received column. Count each total per Payment Type within the practice, and enter your total into the corresponding Actual field for the Payment Type.
For example, print the daily total report from your EFTPOS machine, and enter the total figure from the machine into the Actual field for EFTPOS in Clinic to Cloud. Next, physically count any cash held in the practice, and enter this figure into the Actual field for Cash payments. If any cheques have been received, ensure that this is reconciled also.
Note: The figure shown in the Total Invoiced amount column may not always match the Total Receipted amount, due to invoices being raised, and then paid during a separate time period.
If a figure is shown in the Difference column, this means that there is a discrepancy between the amount Received in Clinic to Cloud and the Actual figure within the practice. You will need to enter a Note beside the Payment Type if a discrepancy is found. Visit the heading below for assistance with troubleshooting banking discrepancies.
Note: If a discrepancy is found in the report, then a reason must be typed into the Notes field beside the Payment Type.
9. If you want to save your progress and return later, or need to fix a mistake, click Save & Close.
A) Once you are ready to return to your report, revisit the Reports > Daily Banking Report window, and click the Edit icon beside the report to reopen the report for updating.
10. If the report is complete, click Reconcile.
Note: Reconciled payments will not show for reconciliation in another report.
11. The report will then be added to the list of Banking Reports available in Reports > Daily Banking.
12. To print the report:
A) Click the View icon beside the report.
B) Click Summary to reopen the report.
C) Click Print to print the summary.
13. To export the report to a spreadsheet file:
A) Click the View icon beside the report.
B) Click Download Excel (this will export the information in an .xlsx format to open Microsoft Excel).
C) Open the downloaded report on your computer and print it (if required).
Troubleshooting Banking Discrepancies
If a discrepancy has been found in your banking report, then this means that what has been receipted in Clinic to Cloud does not match what is physically held within the practice. It is important that this is rectified to avoid any accounting issues.
There are several reasons why discrepancies may exist. Some examples can be found below:
- An EFTPOS payment was taken on the machine, but not entered into Clinic to Cloud or vice versa.
- A payment was added against the wrong payment type in the invoice.
- A payment was keyed incorrectly into an EFTPOS machine within the practice, but the correct payment is shown against the invoice in Clinic to Cloud.
- The Service Date of an invoice is incorrect, and an unexpected payment is displayed within the Daily Banking Report.
Tips for Investigating Discrepancies:
- Expected Payment Missing - Check the Service Date of the invoice is included in your chosen report period. If you know the patient's name, open their Invoice History and open the invoice to investigate further.
- Discrepancies in EFTPOS Payments - Compare each individual EFTPOS receipt amount with the individual payments in the Daily Banking window to find if there is a receipt missing, or if less/more money were taken on the EFTPOS machine than was receipted in Clinic to Cloud.
- Incorrect Payment Method - If a payment has been receipted as the incorrect Payment Type, you will need to refund the payment, and then apply the payment again with the correct type.
The following articles may assist with the investigation:
- Refunding and reversing an invoice
- Exception and Rejection Handling (Bulk Bill/DVA)
- Writing Off a Claimed Invoice (Bulk Bill, DVA or Health Fund)
Editing a Daily Banking Report
If you need to make a change to a Daily Banking Report, the method will depend upon whether the report has been reconciled or not.
Note: You are unable to add new payments to a reconciled report. These payments must be added to another report.
1. In the Scheduler, click on Reports >Daily Banking.
2. Review the status of the report:
A) If there is a View (eye) icon shown beside a report, this means the report has been reconciled.
B) If there is an Edit (pencil) icon displayed beside the report, this means it has been saved but not reconciled.
3. If the report displays the View icon then it has been reconciled. Follow these instructions to edit the report:
A) Click the View icon beside the report.
B) Click Unlock.
C) Make any necessary adjustments to the reconciled payments.
D) Click Summary.
E) Enter the figures into the summary window, and click Reconcile.
4. If the report displays the Edit icon then it has not yet been reconciled. Follow these instructions to edit the report:
A) Click the Edit icon beside the report.
B) Make any necessary adjustments to the reconciled payments.
D) Click Summary.
E) Enter the figures into the summary window, and click Reconcile.
Searching Past Reports
All reports are saved within the Daily Banking window. If you need to find a particular report, you can use filters to search through past reports.
If you know the report number, you can use the filter on the Report No column to search for a specific report, otherwise use the instructions below to search by doctor and date. ]
1. Choose the relevant doctor/s from the Doctor drop-down menu.
2. Enter a To and From date into the fields provided for the report's creation.
3. Click Show.
4. All reports matching this criteria will then be returned.