Brief Overview
The fields available to you in the clinical window can be customised to suit your consult style, through your provider settings. This allows you control over how the consult window appears for you, and allows you to remove any fields that are not required.
Changes can be made to these settings either by the Doctor User themselves, or a Practice Admin User.
Customisation sections:
Short Version
- If logged in as a Doctor User, open Settings > My Settings.
- If logged in as a Practice Admin User, open Settings > Users. Click Edit beside the provider, and click Update & Configure.
- Open the Consult Settings tab.
- Expand each of the sections, and tick any elements that you wish to use, and un-tick any that are unnecessary.
- Click Save.
As a Doctor User
1. Open Settings > My Settings.
2. Open the Consult Settings tab.
3. Skip to the Configuration heading below.
As a Practice Admin User
1. Open Settings > Users.
2. Click Edit beside the provider.
3. Click Update & Configure.
4. Open the Consult Settings tab.
Current Consult Customisation
1. Use the downward arrow to expand the Current Consult section.
2. Tick any fields you would like to use, and un-tick any that are not relevant for you for any patients, (ie if you do not service WorkCover patients, you may choose to un-tick the Certificate of Capacity option).
The image below shows where each of the elements appear in the consult window when they are all enabled. Please see below the image for a break down of each setting.
A) Reason for Presentation - This is one of the four default fields for recording consult notes.
B) Clinical Assessment - This is one of the four default fields for recording consult notes.
C) History/Discussion - This is one of the four default fields for recording consult notes.
D) Management - This is one of the four default fields for recording consult notes.
E) Current Medications - This area is used to prescribe medications or to record medications a patient may already be taking, if you choose to record this information.
F) Preceding Presentation - This area will display the consult notes from the patient's last consultation.
G) Background Information - This information is on display throughout most of the clinical journey.
H) Previous Issues/Procedures - This information is on display throughout most of the clinical journey.
I) Allergies - This area is used to record any allergies that a patient may hold.
J) Ethnicity - Provides a tick box for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent.
K) Recommended Procedure - Allows a provider to communicate the requirement for a certain Quote to be created for an upcoming planned procedure, or to create a Fee Estimate themselves.
L) Health Status - This area is used to record a patient's nutrition, exercise, smoking, drinking, and diabetes status.
M) Certificates of Capacity - This setting enables the ability for providers to create Certificates of Capacity in relation to WorkCover claims.
3. Click Save to finalise these adjustments.
Vitals Customisation
1. Use the downward arrow to expand the Vitals section.
2. Toggle the Turn On option, and tick or select the measurements you would like to record. If you don't have a need for a certain measurement, un-tick or select that option.
The image below shows how the measurements appear in the Vitals tab of the Consult window.
Measurements under the Vitals heading in the Consult Settings window determine which measurements can be recorded in the Generic Vitals tab of the Consult window.
Items under the Investigation Reports area in the Consult Settings window are separated into tabs across the top of the Vitals tab when within the Consult window. Each of these hold their respective measurements within each Investigation Report:
3. Click Save once you have finished configuring your reports.
Chronic Disease Management Customisation
1. Click on the downward arrow to expand the Chronic Disease Management options.
2. Toggle the Turn On option, and tick or deselect the items you do not want to track.
If you have ticked any items under the first column, then you will now receive the Chronic Disease Management tab in the Consult window. If you have ticked Risk Asssessment, you will also receive the Risk Assessment tab in your Consult window. The Disease you would like to track will be available from the Disease drop-down menu.
3. Click Save once configured.
Opthalmology Consult Customisation
1. Toggle on the Ophthalmology Consult option.
2. This will unlock the Opthalmology Consult tab in the clinical window, and the relevant fields on the right-hand side.
3. Click Save.
Immunisation Customisation
1. Toggle on the Immunisation option.
2. This will enable the Immunisation tab within the clinical window, and you may now track Immunisation Records for patients.
3. Click Save.