Brief Overview
When setting up the Patient Portal, you can create a patient checklist or health check survey which can then be completed by new patients when they first log in and complete their registration details. This reduces admin time by collecting the patient information before the appointment. Once the information is imported from the Patient Portal, the checklist responses will show in the patient demographic window, and the patient will no longer be able to edit these in the Patient Portal.
Once a checklist is created it will be available for all new patients to complete. All questions will be available to the patient, this cannot be configured per-patient. All questions are added under one checklist, there is not an option to add multiple separate checklists.
Note: The ability to set up checklists is only available to users with Practice Admin access.
The Short Version
- Go to Settings > Checklist Templates.
- Click Patient Checklist Template.
- Add New Template item.
- Add checklist item and select Create - repeat this for all questions.
- This checklist will then be available for new patients added to the Patient Portal.
- Once completed by the patient, the checklist answers will show in the patient demographic window.
1. Go to Settings > Checklists Templates.
2. Click on the Patient Checklist Template tab and select Add New Template Item.
3. For each question that you would like the patient to answer, you will need to create a new template item. The Item Name is the question, you can then select the type of answer you would like the patient to enter by selecting the Type of Item dropdown.
If you select an item from the below list you will need to enter the values that you would like the patient to select, separated by pressing Enter on your keyboard. Some example options available for selection can be found below:
- Multiselect (patient may choose multiple items).
- Dropdown List (patient may select one item from a drop-down menu).
- Checkbox List (patient may tick multiple relevant items).
- Radio Button List (patient may select only one item from the list).
4. Once you have added all questions, when you next add a new patient to the Patient Portal they will be able to complete the checklist under the Things to Do section of their homepage.
5. Once a Survey has been completed, the information will be automatically imported into the patient's demographic window within Clinic to Cloud.
6. The completed information can be found within the Checklist tab of the Demographic window.
If the patient completes the checklist on the Patient Portal, once imported into the patient demographic window, the checklist will not be editable. If the patient only completes some of the checklist on the Patient Portal, once imported into the patient demographics, admin staff will have access to complete the checklist.