Brief Overview
Clinic to Cloud would like to introduce a streamlined approach to manage and claim Bulk Bill, DVA and ECLIPSE invoices.
The option to create a Draft invoice is now available, these invoices can now be managed from the In Progress tab found in Claiming.
When an invoice is complete and it is time to claim, a Submit option will mark this invoice with a Ready status to be automatically claimed at 1.00am AEST daily.
A response will be available after each invoice is transmitted to Medicare/ECLIPSE.
The Short Version
- The In Progress tab is available to manage invoices and claims for Bulk Bill, DVA and ECLIPSE.
- The orange Counters icon will show you how many invoices and/or claims require action.
- Draft status allows continual edits and updates to the invoice until it is ready to be submitted.
- Ready status invoices will be automatically submitted to Medicare and the Health Funds at 1.00am AEST daily.
- Submitting status shows when the claim's transmission is occurring.
- Submitted status shows when the claim has been successfully transmitted.
- Failed status shows when a claim has not NOT successfully transmitted.
- The Error icon
indicates an error that needs to be resolved.
1. Access the In Progress tab for Medicare or ECLIPSE
Go to Claiming > Is this a Medicare, DVA or ECLIPSE claim?
If Medicare or DVA, select Medicare.
Go to In Progress tab.
2. Managing the Draft status invoice
If an invoice is not ready to be transmitted to Medicare/ECLIPSE, you can hold it in Draft status.
The actions available for the Draft invoice are:
- Submit, move this invoice to Ready status so it will be transmitted at 1.00am AEST.
- Edit, opens the invoice in a new tab for editing. Once adjusted, select either Draft or Submit to save your changes.
- Delete, deletes the invoice. Note: this function is only available for the Admin user type.
Tip: You can use the Submit All Draft button at the bottom to bulk action all invoices in Draft status in the list to Ready status.
3. Managing the Draft status invoice with errors
The orange Counters icon will indicate how many invoices require action.
If an invoice has errors you will not be able to submit it to Medicare/ECLIPSE. Errors are displayed with the icon. Hover over the error icon to review the identified problem.
Use the Edit action to open the invoice and amend information, or click on the Patient Name to resolve verification problems.
Once you have resolved the identified problem/s, the Draft invoice can be updated to Ready status.
4. Managing the Ready status invoice
When an invoice is ready to be transmitted to Medicare/ECLIPSE, it will be in Ready status. These invoices will be transmitted each day at 1.00am AEST to Medicare/ECLIPSE.
The actions available for the Ready invoice are:
- Move to Draft, the invoice status will be changed to Draft.
- Edit opens the invoice in a new tab for editing. Once adjusted, select either Draft or Submit to save your changes.
5. Managing the Submitting status claim
While a claim is being transmitted to Medicare/ECLIPSE, it will be in Submitting status.
The actions available for the Submitting status are:
- View opens the claim in a new tab in read-only mode.
6. Managing the Submitted status claim
When the claim has been transmitted to Medicare/ECLIPSE, it will be in Submitted status. It will also display a Claim ID and the date of submission.
The actions available for the Submitted status are:
- View opens the claim in a new tab in read-only mode.
7. Managing the Submitted status claim with errors
The orange Counters icon will indicate how many claims require action.
If a claim has been unable to transmit for 14 days, an orange error icon will appear in the Status column.
This means that your details have not been registered with Medicare correctly and Clinic to Cloud is unable to successfully transmit the claim.
To resolve this, you will need to contact Medicare. The forms you may need to fill in can be found here.
The actions available for the Submitted status with error are:
- View opens the invoice in read-only mode.
- Manual Payment, if you have been paid for this claim manually you can add the manual payment here to finalise the claim.
- Accept and Balance, write off the claim.
For information on managing claims that have returned from Medicare, DVA or ECLIPSE, click here.