As of April 1st 2020, Safe Script became mandatory for all Victorian Clinicians. SafeScript is the Victorian Government's action to reduce the increasing harms and deaths from misuse of prescription medicines.
What is SafeScript?
According to Victoria Health, "SafeScript is computer software that allows pharmacy dispensing records or certain medicines to be transmitted in real-time to a centralised database which can then be accessed by doctors and pharmacists during a consultation".
Who does it apply to?
It is law for prescribing clinicians to check the SafeScript portal, when and if, they prescribe any one of the 27 drugs below. Safescript will apply to all Victorian providers that prescribe monitored medicines. A monitored medicine is either highly addictive or strong opioid pain killer.
Some of these monitored medicines include Buprenorphine, Codeine, Fentanyl, Hydromorphone, Methadone, Morphine, Oxycodone, Pethidine, Tapentadol - To view the full list, please click here.
Clinic to Cloud is currently not integrated with SafeScript, however our teams are working closely with ePrescribing groups in delivering safe prescribing solutions to you.
Please see a reference FAQ sheet from Victoria Health attached below.