Brief Outline
The AMA, Workcover and WAGMSS (Western Australian Government Medical Services Schedules) fee schedules must be uploaded into Clinic to Cloud whenever a new update has been issued for these schedules. This guide will cover the process to upload the fee schedules.
Please note: Your fee schedule files must be in xlsx format, otherwise they will not be able to be uploaded. If needed, please open and use the Save As function to save your file in the xlsx format.
Brief Outline
- Open Settings > Funds and Schedules.
- Select Upload AMA, Upload Workcover, or Upload Generic Schedule depending on the schedule.
- Browse to the file location on your computer.
- Match the fields in the new window to those within the XLS spreadsheet.
- Click Upload.
To upload the private fee schedule that AMA, Work Cover or WAGMSS have provided you follow the relevant steps below for your fee schedule.
Common errors
- Parsing Error, if this occurs it indicates that the XLS file you have two of the same item number. Example "CSV parsing error: Item with number 37604 found several times", in this instance, delete one of the 37604 items and reupload the document.
1. Open Settings > Funds and Fees.
2. Select Upload AMA File.
3. Select Browse from the popup window.
4. Browse to the location of the file on your computer and click Open.
5. Click Upload.
6. You will then need to match up the fields provided at the top, with those in the spreadsheet:
- Start From Row: Select the row you want to start from. (Input 1 if you would like every item uploaded. If the first row in the spreadsheet is a header row, then you would enter 2).
- Column No. for Item Number (MBS): Select the column for the MBS Item Number (8).
- Column No. for Item Price: Select the AMA price column (3).
- Column No. for Item Description: Select the column containing descriptions of the Item (2).
- Column No. for Item Number (Schedule): Select the column for the schedule fee (9).
7. Click Apply.
Note: Each time you need to make a change or update the schedule, you will follow this process again.
For Workcover
1. Open Settings > Funds and Fees.
2. Select Upload Workcover File.
3. Select Browse from the popup window.
4. Browse to the location of the file on your computer and click Open.
5. Click Upload.
6. You will then need to match up the fields provided at the top, with those in the spreadsheet. The column number will differ per state so you will need to compare the file with the information in Clinic to Cloud.
- Start From Row: Select the row you want to start from. (Input 1 if you would like every item uploaded. If the first row in the spreadsheet is a header row, then you would enter 2)
- Column No. for Item Number (MBS): Select the column for the MBS Item Number
- Column No. for Item Price: Select the Workcover Price column
Please note: If you are uploading a supplementary schedule, as those items are linked to an MBS item, they will need to be added manually to another section within Clinic to Cloud. You can read about adding custom item numbers within this article.
If an older list of supplementary items exists, you can go in and make the changes accordingly, otherwise you will add the items here.
7. Click Upload.
Note: Each time you need to make a change or update the schedule, you will follow this process again.
1. Open Settings > Funds and Fees.
2. If you are updating an already existing schedule click the Upload icon beside the existing WAGMSS item in the schedule list. If this is the first time upload, click Add New Generic Schedule.
3. You will then need to match up the fields provided at the top, with those in the spreadsheet:
- Sheet Name: As the spreadsheet WAGMSS provides has multiple tabs. You'll need to select the relevant sheet here.
- Start From Row: Select the row number the first item begins from (3 in this example).
- Column No. for Item Number (MBS): Select the column for Item Number (4 in this example).
- Column No. for Item Price: Select the total fee excluding-GST price column.
4. Click Apply.
Note: Each time you need to make a change or update the schedule, you will follow this process again.