Brief Overview
This is a guide on how existing patients can book their own appointments through the Patient Portal after the service has been activated in the Patient Portal Settings. New patients will need to get in touch with the practice to be sent an invitation to register for the Patient Portal.
The Short Version
- Log in to the Patient Portal.
- Click Book button below the doctor you'd like to see in the Home Page or Book Appointments tab.
- Select which Location they would like to see available appointments for.
- Choose the Appointment Type you would like to book.
- Pick from the Jump to Date menu or Next button to browse alternate dates.
- Click on the appointment time you would like to book.
- If you need to upload a referral/supporting documentation, select Upload a File.
- Click Confirm Booking to finalise the appointment.
- Your appointment details will then be confirmed.
Before you will be able to book an appointment online, you will need to follow the steps found within the Logging into the Patient Portal guide to register for the Patient Portal. Once registered, you can follow the instructions below to book an appointment for the Patient Portal from the following locations:
You can book an appointment from the Home Page of the Patient Portal by following the below instructions:
- Log into the Patient Portal.
- Click the Book button below the doctor you'd like to see or select your chosen location from the Doctors In drop-down menu;
- Use the Next button to browse more doctors if you cannot find your practitioner on the first page.
- If you are still unable to find your doctor, your doctor may not have enabled online appointment functionality. Please call your practice for further assistance if you are having difficulties booking an appointment.
- Choose the appropriate appointment type from the Select Appointment Type menu.
Select an available appointment date and time from the list provided. Available appointments will display lit up.
- If you are unable to find a suitable appointment in the list, click the Next button to browse the next page of appointments.
If you would like to look for appointments after a certain date, you can use the Jump to Date menu to enter your desired date.
- A summary of your appointment details and an estimation of fees will be displayed.
If you have a referral or supporting documentation to upload, click Upload a File and browse to the location of your document on your computer to upload this.
- Click Confirm Booking to finalise your appointment details.
- You will then receive a confirmation page showing the details of your appointment booking.
Book Appointments Tab
Appointments can be organised via the Book Appointments tab by following the below instructions:
- Log into the Patient Portal.
- Click the Book button below the doctor you'd like to see or select your location from the Doctors In drop-down menu;
- Use the Next button to browse more doctors if you cannot find your practitioner.
- If you are still unable to find your doctor, your doctor may not have enabled online appointment functionality. Please call your practice for further assistance.
- Change the Select Appointment Type menu to match your desired appointment type.
Select an available appointment date and time from the list provided. Available appointments will display lit up, and without a line crossing out the time.
- If you are unable to find a suitable appointment in the list, click the Next button to browse the next page of appointments.
If you would like to look for appointments after a certain date, you can use the Jump to Date menu to enter your desired date.
- A summary of your appointment details and an estimation of fees will be displayed.
If you have a referral or supporting documentation to upload, click Upload a File and browse to the location of your document on your computer to upload this.
- Click Confirm Booking to finalise your appointment details.
- You will then receive a confirmation page showing the details of your appointment booking.