Brief Overview
This article is a reference for doctors creating letters using the benefits of the Clinic to Cloud Voice Recognition integration. This is available via your browser, or the Doctor App on your smart device.
Getting Started
To ensure letters are created as quickly as possible, it is important that the below steps are followed. For any uncertainty on the below, please speak to your admin staff, who can refer to the Admin's Guide to the Voice Recognition Workflow for instructions to configure the below correctly.
- Referrer and Interested Parties should be added to the patient's file prior to their appointment. This will default the To and CC fields on the letter when created.
- The Dictation Letter template is marked as the default by the admin staff, to ensure your preferred dictation letter is selected when you create dictation letters.
- The Dictation Letter template includes all patient information, so that you only need to dictate clinical information.
- Determine whether you would like your admins to Sign on your behalf after correcting the letter, or have the letter returned to you for final sign-off after dictation correction. To enable Sign not Sighted, click here.
Types of Dictation modes
Clinic to Cloud Voice Recognition offers two dictation modes: Typist Mode () and Self Mode (
Typist ModeThis mode will provide an audio file and text for review.
Dictate letters into a recorded audio file which will also be converted text, for admins to review and edit. |
Self ModeThis mode will not provide an audio file text will appear in real time for review.
Dictate letters into text which then appears on the screen in real time for the in order to be edited before signing. |
Doctor AppOn the Doctor App, configure the Voice Recognition mode in Settings > Recognition mode. We recommend Typist Mode for all users who are new to Voice Recognition. |
Dictating letters from the web browser
1. Doctors may create a letter from:
The patient's current consult | |
Letters to Create |
The Scheduler |
Select the appointment on the scheduler, then select the Letter icon |
2. Select your preferred mode of dictation
Select the microphone icon for Typist mode
Select the envelope icon for Self mode
From within the template, place your cursor where you'd like to dictate, and select the microphone icon
3. Add any additional parties to the To or CC fields as required.
4. Check the correct template is selected.
5. Record your dictation.
Dictation Tips
- For a list of dictation commands to use, click here.
- Where possible, avoid dictating patient names and use letter tags in your templates to include any non-clinical information.
- Speak with your usual pace and tone. The voice recognition software will use predictive learning to adjust to your natural speaking rhythm and nuances.
5. Finish your letter. To request your admin staff edit and send the letter back to you for review, select Create. To enable your admin to send the letter after reviewing it without your final sign-off, select Sign not sighted.
Doctors can also sign and send their own letters from the Letters List > Recognised letters.
Dictating letters from the Doctor App
For instructions to download the Doctor App, click here.
1. Doctors may create a letter from the following sections:
Within the patient's clinical consult | |
Letters to Create |
2. Add any recipients if needed, and select the correct dictation template. Select Proceed.
3. Select Record to dictate directly into the smartphone.
When using Typist mode, doctors may replay or Re-record the dictation, and send. |
When using Self mode, the doctor will see the text appear on the screen and must edit each individual word that requires editing before sending the letter.
Your To-Do List: Letters to Create
From the Scheduler, you can view your outstanding Letters to Create.
All appointment types for which you have determined require a letter will be listed here until they are created, to ensure you never miss creating a required letter.
To dictate a letter from Letters to Create, select the microphone icon (Typist mode) or envelope icon (Self mode).
To delete a letter from the Letters to Create, simply select the rubbish icon on the letter.