General Overview
Once the Practice Details and Provider Settings have been updated (refer to How to Enable the Obstetrics/Gynecology Modules), patients can be booked in for Obstetrics appointments. When starting a consult, the Obstetrics Consult screen will directly be displayed which has features and data entry fields that are specific to the specialty.
The Short Version
- Receptionists will book patient appointments with the Consult Type set to 'Obstetrics Consult'
- Before the receptionist can book the appointment, they will be prompted to enter an LNMP date, as well as other information. Based on the info entered an EDD is automatically calculated. This info is displayed in the consult screen.
- If this is the patient's first consult, the Initial Visit screen will be displayed.
In the one screen, all patient history and current consult details can be entered (including Past Obstetric History) and Pathology and Imaging Requests can be created. - Following the patient's first consult the first Antenatal Consult will be entitled Visit #1 and is designed for entering antenatal consult details. Each subsequent antenatal consult will be sequentially numbered (Visit #2, Visit #3 etc.) until a Birth Record is created
- When a receptionist creates an appointment for an obstetric consult, they are prompted to start an Obstetric Record.
- When they click OK they will be prompted to ask the patient for an LNMP date, as well as other data that they can enter. Once entered, the EDD is automatically generated. This data is provided as reference when the initial consult is started.
- To start the consult, double-click on the Obstetrics appointment in your schedule. If this is the patient's first consult, the Initial Visit screen will be displayed.
- Beyond the 'Initial Visit' consult, each successive antenatal consult will be entitled 'Visit #1', 'Visit #2 etc. and will have fewer consult text boxes. Details of previous consults can be conveniently viewed by scrolling down towards the bottom of the screen.
- On the left-hand side of the screen, the area with the blue background is designed for entering patient reference information. The information entered here is permanently displayed and can be updated in each successive consult.
- Clicking on a + button next to a field will allow you enter sentences or paragraphs that are repeatedly entered for the majority of patients.
- Click the Add Item button, enter the text and then click the tick button to save.
- Once saved, the entire text can be recalled and inserted into a field simply by typing the first few letters of the block of text.
- In the middle of the screen are text boxes for entering info related to the current consult (the initial visit text boxes are shown below, followed by the antenatal data entry fields).
During the Initial Consult, the Antenatal Visit #1 can be started straight away by clicking the "Antenatal Visit' button. Otherwise, the patient can be booked in for another appointment for this consult. The plus buttons have the same function as described above. - The Past Obstetric History feature in the 'Initial Visit' consult displays at-a-glance counters for easy reference. Click on the 'Previous Pregnancy' button to add history.
- Scroll down towards the bottom of the screen to view results of ultrasounds. To add new results, click on the 'Add Ultrasound Results' button
- The buttons at the top of the screen provide the following features: SMS the patient, Operation Report, Add/Manage Recalls, Appointment History and Finish Consult.
- In the antenatal consult screens, fetal weight measurements that are entered can be viewed in a graph in the Weight Chart screen, by clicking the button on the left-hand side of the screen
- Details entered in any previous consults for the current patient can be viewed in the Obstetric History screen by clicking the button on the left-hand side of the screen
- On the right-hand side of the screen, the area with a grey background is for creating Lab Requests (for details of this feature, refer to Create a Pathology Request and Create an Imaging Request) and entering Lab Results.
- All entered Lab Results can be viewed in tabular format in the Investigation History screen by clicking the button on the left-hand side of the screen.