Brief Overview
Appointments, procedures, and invoices must all be linked to a location of service. This article explains how to create a new Location in Clinic to Cloud.
Short Version
- Open Settings > Locations.
- Click Add New Location and fill in the Location Details.
- Click Save.
- Add each providers' Provider Number into the Location via their respective User Settings.
- Register the new Location with Medicare/Health Funds if you will be billing for this Location.
Creating a New Location
Please ensure the Doctor has registered for a new provider number for this location if they do not already have one for this specific location.
1. Click Settings > Locations.
2. Click Add New Location.
3. Fill in the Location Info details.
4. Open the Scheduler tab, and complete the fields, then click Create.
5. Click the Edit (pencil) icon beside the Location, and open the Medicare Settings tab.
6. Enter the Location's Facility ID (if applicable), click Request Medicare ID, then click Update.
The Medicare ID will be needed for you to complete the Medicare Banking Details Online Claiming form for the new location.
This document is attached. Submit this form directly to Medicare and confirm this has been completed before billing under this location.
Linking a Provider to a Location
Providers wishing to bill from this location will need to add their respective Provider Number in their User Settings. A Practice Admin user may also do this on the providers' behalf.
If Logged in as Practice Admin
1. Open Settings > Users.
2. Click the Edit (pencil) icon beside the provider's user.
3. Click Update & Configure (and begin from step 2 below).
If Logged in as a Provider
1. Open Settings > My Settings.
2. Open the Provider Number tab.
3. Find the new location in the list and click the Edit (pencil) icon.
4. Fill in the provider and bank details for this location and click Update.
5. The Location is now ready for billing. If the Location will also be used for an LSPN, please view this article.