Tags are used to pre-populate relevant information into templates from, such as:
- Patient Details
- Recipient Details
- Appointment Details
- Clinical Information, such as consult notes and current medication (letters only)
- Voice Recognition dictation (letters only).
Users with Practice Admin role can create templates using tags for the practice.
Documents and Clinical Letters
1. Go to Settings > Template Library.
2. Select from the below tags located on the left of the editor
Email and SMS Notifications
1. Go to Settings > Notifications
2. Select from the below tags located on the left of the editor
Patient Portal Welcome email
1. Go to Settings > Notifications > New Patient Notification
2. Select from the below tags located on the left of the editor
Adding Tags to templates
Tags will appear on the left side of the template creator. When tags are added into the template, they will appear with a square bracket around them Eg: [PatientFirstName].
Please be mindful of spacing between fields when adding tags (for example, adding a space between [DoctorSalutation] and [DoctorFirstName].