Practice Middleware is bridging software that is required to connect your Lab Result download software (such as Fetch or Sonic) and your scanning software to Clinic to Cloud. This is required so that lab results that are manually imported, and any scans that are processed on your computer can be imported into Clinic to Cloud, and linked to the relevant patients.
Results that are sent via Secure Messaging such as Argus, Healthlink, or Medical Objects do not require Practice Middleware to be installed, for results to be imported.
Important Notes
Before you begin installing Practice Middleware, please read the notes below as they will determine how and where you should install the software:
- The computer with Middleware installed will need to be powered on and have an active internet connection in order to import lab results and scanned documents into Clinic to Cloud. You may choose to install this on a computer that is always running in the practice.
- The Practice Middleware installation will need to be completed by a Practice Admin user.
- If you are using a manual import software for results such as Fetch and Sonic as mentioned above, Practice Middleware should be installed on the computer that has the manual import software installed. Practice Middleware should only be configured to import lab results on one computer in the practice, or you may experience duplication in results in Clinic to Cloud.
- Practice Middleware can be installed on multiple computers for scanning purposes without issue. You may choose to only link the Scanned Documents folder on these computers. Any PDF file can be downloaded into this folder for importing into Clinic to Cloud, such as those you may have been emailed.
- You may need to refer to your scanner manual to discover how to configure your scanner to deposit the scanned files into the folders you will create in this setup document.
- Practice Middleware may not function in some hospital environments or networks with high security, if exceptions are not made for Clinic to Cloud's domains. The following domains and ports must be allowed:
- static.clinictocloud.com.au 443
- clinictocloud.com.au 80
- static1.clinictocloud.com.au
- You may wish to engage with your IT Professional for assistance with the installation and configuration of Practice Middleware as Clinic to Cloud are unable to assist with scanner or network configuration.
- If you are unsure how to configure your lab result software to deposit your results into your newly created folders, you may wish to contact your lab result company directly as Clinic to Cloud are unable to assist with the configuration of their software.
1. Log into Clinic to Cloud.
2. Open Settings > Practice Middleware.
3. Click on Get Practice Middleware to download the installer.
4. Run the installer in your browser, or from the Downloads folder on your computer.
5. Click Next on the installer.
6. Read and accept the terms of use, and then click Next.
7. If needed, you can click Change to change the destination of your Practice Middleware installation. The default destination is shown to you. Click Next when you are finished.
8. Click Install.
9. Click Finish.
10. Double click on the Practice Middleware desktop icon or search for this on your computer and open it from your Windows menu.
11. Provide a descriptive name for your computer into the Name field. This is what will be referenced in Clinic to Cloud to show where the software is installed. It may be helpful to name this after the user who owns the computer, or the room in which the computer is situated.
12. Create folders on your computer for the import jobs you plan to configure. You may wish to create these in an easily accessible place, such as the Desktop, or just on the C Drive.
13. Click the Choose Folder button beside the relevant import jobs for the computer you are configuring, select each of the relevant folders you created in step 12, and click Select Folder.
- Pathology - this should only be configured on one computer in the practice, and only on the computer manually importing pathology results.
- Imaging - this should only be configured on one computer in the practice, and only on the computer manually importing imaging results.
- Archive - this folder will house all results and documents that have been successfully imported into Clinic to Cloud.
- Scanned Documents - Your scanning software should be configured to deposit your scans into this folder, for importation into Clinic to Cloud.
- Errors - Any lab results or documents that were unable to be imported will be moved into this folder.
The following folders are only required to be configured if you will be importing patient files into another third-party software. Files will be exported in HL7 format. We would not recommend configuring these folders unless strictly necessary, as it is unsafe to store patient files on your computer.
- Temp for Patient Info
- Patients Info
14. Click Apply.
15. Configure your scanning software to deposit scans into the Scanned Documents folder created in step 12. If you are configuring a pathology and imaging computer, ensure your manual result download is configured to deposit files into the Pathology and Results folders created in step 12. If you are unsure how to do this, consult your scanning manual, lab result company, or speak to your IT Professional for advice.
16. Once the above has been configured, Clinic to Cloud will connect to each of the folders every 30 seconds, to check if there is a file to be imported. Once a file has been successfully imported into Clinic to Cloud, the raw file will move into the Archive folder. You may wish to clear out the Archive folder regularly so that you can save hard drive space, and to avoid holding patient information on your computer.