To go to a patients file go to the 3 line icon on the top left of the app and select 'Search'
You can then search the patients name
If you click on the filter icon in the top right you can select to 'Show deceased patients'
When you select the patient name you will be able to:
1. Start a 'Quick Consult'
2. Go to the patient 'Demographics'
From the 'Demographics' tab you can:
1. View and attach documents by clicking on the document icon
- To view click on the document name
- To download click on the download icon
- To attach new document click on the plus sign and you can select from your gallery or take a photo/video
3. View eTasks
Android App - eTask Management
4. Attach/take an image
You can view all referrals for the patient from the 'Referral' tab
Account Info
You can view account information for the patient from the 'Account Info' tab
Health Status
You can view health status information for the patient from the 'Health Status' tab
You can view any workcover claims added for the patient from the 'Workcover' tab
You can view information 'Other' information for the patient
Interested Parties
You can view any 'Interested Parties' added to the patient file, these will automatically be added to the CC field when creating a letter