Brief Overview
The Manual SMS option is used to send ad hoc messages to a patient from various areas of Clinic to Cloud. The Manual SMS icon appears in the following areas:
- Replies to Manual SMS may only be received if sent from the Daily View of the Scheduler, up until the scheduled time of the appointment.
- SMS messages are charged at 20 cents per message sent. If your reminder message is over the 160 character limit for SMS, then you may be charged for multiple SMS.
The Short Version
- Click on the SMS icon
- Ensure correct recipients added
- Add the message text
- Save as Favourite as required
- Click Send
Sending a Manual SMS via the eTasks Window
1. When within an incomplete eTask, you can click the SMS icon to begin sending an SMS to a patient.
2. Skip to Creating & Sending a Manual SMS.
Sending a Manual SMS via the Lab Results Window
1. Click the SMS icon when within a linked, but not yet accepted lab result.
2. Skip to Creating & Sending a Manual SMS.
Sending a Manual SMS via the Secure Messages Window
1. Click the SMS icon when within a linked, but not yet accepted Secure Message.
2. Skip to Creating & Sending a Manual SMS.
Sending a Manual SMS from a Current Consult
1. Click the SMS icon from within a Current Consult.
2. Skip to Creating & Sending a Manual SMS.
Sending from the Scheduler
1. To send a manual SMS to all future patients for the current day, click on the SMS icon without selecting an appointment from the Day View in the Scheduler.
This will default the recipient field to all patients currently showing on the scheduler.
Note: If you have multiple providers schedules showing, it will select all patients for all providers.
2. To select specific patient/s to send the SMS to, click on the patient appointment.
Tip: Select multiple patients to send an SMS to by holding Ctrl and clicking each patient's appointment. This will allow you to highlight multiple patients.
Note: If you are sending an SMS from eTasks, Lab Results, Secure Messages or the Consult, the patient will automatically default into the To field.
3. Ensure that you are happy with all recipients in to To field. Remove or add any additional recipients as required by searching patient name.
Note: If you have manually added a patient to the To field and they do not have an appointment for the day, responses will not be received if the patient replies.
Creating & Sending a Manual SMS
1. Type your message to the patient/s. Use the tags on the left-hand side toolbar to prefill information when the SMS is sent (What is a tag).
Tip: The SMS is being sent directly from Clinic to Cloud which means that, if the patient replies, they are not replying to a phone. If the patient does reply this will be added to the SMS report (Reports > SMS Report). You may like to add to the end of this message for the patient to call the rooms with any questions and to not reply.
Note: SMS does not support long text, if you add large amounts of text you may be charged for multiple messages.
2. If you may need to send this same message again in the future, click Save as Favourite.
3. Name your favourite and click Save.
4. Next time when need to send this message, select this from the Favourite field.
5. Once you are happy with your final message, click Send. This will then go out to all of the patients in the To field.
Note: Replies to Manual SMS may only be received if sent from the Daily View of the Scheduler, up until the scheduled time of the appointment.