Brief Overview
Printing Middleware is bridging software that is required to be installed if you intend on printing onto pre-printed paper (such as request forms), use multiple trays, or use multiple printers for different kinds of print jobs (ie pathology and letters). Printing Middleware must be installed for each user on a computer, and on each computer in the practice that needs to print from Clinic to Cloud using different trays or printers.
1. Log into Clinic to Cloud.
2. Open Settings > My Settings.
A) If you also have Doctor User settings, enter the User Settings tab.
3. Click the Get Printing Middleware button under the One-click Printing Settings heading.
4. Once downloaded, run the installer from your browser or from the downloads folder on your computer.
5. Click Install in the Application Install window.
6. Click Printing Preferences Setup in the My Settings window in Clinic to Cloud.
7. Click the Setup button beside each print job that you will use on this computer.
- Setup Pathology - this should be set to the tray/printer that contains your pre-printed pathology paper.
- Setup Imaging - this should be set to the tray/printer that contains your pre-printed radiology paper.
- Setup Prescriptions - this should be set to the tray/printer that contains your pre-printed prescription paper.
- Setup Patient Label - this should be set to the Dymo or Brother label printer that contains your label paper. You cannot use a regular printer for this print job.
- Setup DVA Invoice - this should be set to the tray/printer that contains your DVA DB4 form paper.
- Setup Bulk Bill Invoice - this should be set to the tray/printer that contains your Bulk Bill DB4 form paper.
- Setup Envelope - this should be set to the tray/printer that contains your envelopes.
8. Choose the desired printer and then click on Preferences.
9. Enter the Paper/Quality tab and select the tray from the Paper Source drop-down menu.
A) If you are unsure how to configure your printer settings, we would recommend consulting the manual that came with your printer, or speaking to your nominated IT Professional.
B) You may not need to configure all of the print jobs noted above - the jobs that are configured will depend on the user that will be using the computer to print. Please note that multiple users may use the same computer, but may use different Windows accounts to log in. If you are unsure how to proceed, we would recommend speaking to your nominated IT Professional.
C) If you manually feed the paper into the printer for certain jobs, please select the manual feed tray.
10. Click Print to save your settings. Continue to set up each print job required.
11. If you are using a laptop, and travel to different locations where you require printing functionality, then you can click on the Create New Favourite button to create several different printing profiles per-location.
A) Click Create New Favourite.
B) Provide a name for your favourite.
C) Click Save.
D) Customise your print jobs as per instructions 6-9 above.