HW027 Online claiming provider agreement form required when–
- All providers in the practice have only one provider number each
- Some or all providers in the practice have multiple provider numbers
- If a provider has not registered for online claiming
- To register the Minor ID(Medicare Location ID) within Services Australia systems;
- Link provider numbers to the Minor ID (including to new location/s)
- To register the bank account details for the purpose of Bulk Bill, Eclipse and other online claiming
Note (linking additional provider numbers in HPOS):
A practice that has one Minor ID (locations that share the same Minor ID) will only need to fill in the HW027 form atleast once. All subsequent provider numbers can be linked to this minor ID through HPOS.
A practice that has multiple Minor IDs will need to fill in the HW027 form for every new location for one provider only. All subsequent providers can link their provider numbers to the Minor IDs (existing or new locations) through HPOS.
If at a later date, the payee provider bank account details need updating:
The preferred and quickest/easiest option is for each of provider to log into their PRODA account update their bank account details online via Health Professional Online Services (HPOS) - Managing your banking details in HPOS. This function can be delegated to someone else to complete on your behalf. Noting Medicare still need to review and approve the changes before they take effect. Changes will be visible in HPOS within 24 hours.
You can submit another Online claiming provider agreement form (HW027) to update bank account details for a single payee provider.
You can submit a Banking details online claiming form (HW052) to update the payee provider’s bank account details for multiple servicing providers (as long as each of the providers has already registered for online claiming by submitting the HW027 form).
You can submit a Provider registration for Electronic Funds Transfer payments form (HW029) to add or payee provider’s bank account details for 1 or more of your own current Medicare provider numbers, (so long as the provider has already registered for online claiming by submitting the HW027 form).
HW027, HW029 and HW052 forms are attached in this article.